Category: Allgemein
La Videoperformance Internazionale – Roma 2019
My video performance “What’s Your Name” will be screened on Nov 17 at the Macro Museum in Roma! INTERNATIONAL VIDEO PERFORMANCE #PROJECTION#VIDEOART CINEMA ROOM 17 November 2019, 15:00 by Paola Zucchello and Art Web Gallery Cultural Association for Medial Art A loop projection of works of art in video preceded by a conversation on the…
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WHITE_BOX_OPEN_SPACE @ The Wrong Biennale
This is my first participation within a biennale! – and it’s the largest art biennale worldwide! the wrong new digital art biennale is a global event aiming to nurture digital culture today. the wrong is open from november 01st 2019 until march 1st 2020. You can visit my project “WHITE_BOX_OPEN_SPACE” right now, online at the Very Large…
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Exhibition in Abu Dhabi
My Augmented Reality (AR) work “HELMET / Selfglitch” will be shown at the “ImagiNation” exhibition Nations Towers, Abu Dhabi in cooperation with ARTIVIVE23.10.2019 – 03.01.2020 Take a look at this pretty new technology called Augmented Reality (AR)
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