MODEM Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, Debrecen (HU)
megy, megáll, marad / go, stop, stay
February 16, 2019. – May 5, 2019
1 – 3. Hunyadi János Street,
Debrecen 4026
To walk through the world in a standing and motionless way on a road with no starting and ending points, and there is no return or any place that could be reached.
Artists: Ana Petrović (HR), Céline Struger (AT), Eva Petrič (SLO), Ilauszky Tamás (H), Makra Zoltán (H), Martin Piaček (SK), Juhász Rokko (SK), Palatinus Dóra (H), Roland Wegerer (AT), Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu (RO), Szabó Eszter Ágnes (H), Tatjana Milutinović Vondraček (SRB).
Curators: Szalai Kata, Vojnits-Purcsár Vító