Category: Performance
Burning Lens – Snow Edition
Burning Lens – Snow Edition is a series of photographs taken in winter 2017/18. With long term exposures (2 to 6 sec.) and precise choreography of the artist these photographs are showing some painting qualities.
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Burning Lens – Into The Woods
Burning Lens is a series of photographs taken in the woods. With long term exposures (2 to 6 sec.)
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Experimental Hiking
Experimental Hiking Site-specific project, Duration: 50min, 2016Töpperschloss Neubruck / Scheibbs (A) (at the NÖ-Viertelfestival | Mostviertel 2016) Guided walk in a castels garden by ignoring compiled ways. Lampposts, flagpoles, trees,… are becoming marks for a hidden hiking trail. What is the essence of hiking? What is a trace and how to read it? Artworks Ideencoach
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